Cigar Republic Roof Expansion

Conshohocken, PA

Currently under construction, The Cigar Republic Conshohocken Cigar Lounge and Bar is greater Philadelphia’s newest and largest luxury cigar lounge and bar. With 5,000 sf of elegant space featuring the finest cigars and libations in a comfortable lounge setting.

The expansion consists of a masonry extension of both the existing stairwell and elevation. Upon completion of the masonry extension, the permanent roof will be added to both the stairwell and elevator. Once the structures are weather tight, the roof demolition will begin at both the stairwell and elevator. Following the demolition, the additional stair will be installed, and the elevator and interior finishes will be coordinated in sequence through the completion of the project.

Cigar Essentials Group

Baglivo Associates

Total Square Footage


Collingswood Department of Public Works