Masonic Temple of Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PA

This project included extensive restorations to the Grand Ballroom at the historic Masonic Library and Museum. LED lighting packages replaced 16 chandeliers and illumination of the four main 16’ stained glass windows. Structural steel reinforcements were precisely installed to support a 2,700 lb. bronze statue of Ben Franklin atop a raised marble stage with a 21’ radius wall. Additional repairs included custom paint and tile restoration along with marble wainscoting cleaning and repair. Both men's and women’s restrooms were fully remodeled and an ADA-accessible bathroom was added. Exterior site work and a second bronze statue were also planned for installation. Construction began in January 2016 and was completed in the Summer of 2016.

Masonic Temple & Masonic Library and Museum

RLPS Architects

Total Square Footage



Sedgley Plaza


Holy Ghost Preparatory School Holt Center