MBC Sponsors Women Build Week for Habitat for Humanity of MontCo
Last week, the women of McDonald Building Company volunteered in Pottstown last Friday to “Build Like a Girl” and participate in Women's Build Week for Montgomery County Habitat for Humanity's latest project. This year the Women Build Week volunteers rehabbed a 3-story row home at 430 Walnut Street in Pottstown and McDonald Building Company was the main event sponsor. Led by several dedicated and knowledgeable Habitat volunteers, the MBC crew of 10 teamed up to sand and stain some interior doors, build patio stairs to the backyard and replacing exterior fence posts. The Thompson family of five plans to move in early 2017 and MBC is thrilled to contribute to the Pottstown community.
“We are currently rehabbing Beech Street Factory, also in Pottstown, only a few blocks away from the Thompson family home. To have the opportunity to participate with Habitat and help in a meaningful, impactful way to this family and community is what we love to do,” said Laura Clevenger, Director of Marketing. “And it's awesome watching women come who may not feel comfortable using power tools and learn by the end of the day how to use them. And use them well.”
McDonald Building Company is planning another Corporate Build Day for the entire staff in the spring to continue the support of Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County. To learn more about HFHMC, visit http://www.habitatmontco.org.
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