MRI Replacement at AtlantiCare Mainland Hospital Campus in Pomona

MBC recently completed this MRI suite upgrade including the replacement of a 10 ton MRI scanner at the AtlantiCare Mainland Hospital Campus in Pomona, NJ. Complete with modern finish upgrades, the coordination and move-in was a success thanks to Medical Equipment Contractors, Inc., Sautter Crane Rental, Inc. , and our excellent MBC team @chris pili Renee Ellick Andrew McDonald Valerie Schell who executed this work with precision and ease for our partners at The Carlin Collaborative and AtlantiCare. BEFORE AND AFTER...#buildingontrust #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #thecarlincollaborative #atlanticarenj #medicalequipmentcontractors #sauttercrane


MBC Participates in Giant Jenga Tournament Hosted by ACE Mentor Phill