Latest & Greatest.

 Whether it's a new project, construction industry updates, an employee teaming event or an opportunity to celebrate the best in our community - there's always something to talk about at McDonald Building Company.

PROJECTS & AWARDS Laura Clevenger PROJECTS & AWARDS Laura Clevenger

MBC is Virginia Bound! Tremendous progress at aka Alexandria Hotel in Old Town Neighborhood

We are packing our bags and heading down to Alexandria, Virginia to feature another exciting renovation we're building. 🧳🤩🧳 Hotel AKA Alexandria is turning a former Holiday Inn in Old Town and giving it a major update. Not far from DC, this 28,800 square foot renovation will include luxury amenities such as a new lobby, lounge, bar, meeting spaces, and a fitness center for guests to enjoy. MBC is making noticeable progress on the exterior so far, thanks to M&N Masonry Staining and their brick staining work to modernize the brick façade. 🧱😍🧱 While the project is expected to complete this winter, there are still more updates to come. Stay tuned early next year, this one will be a beauty. 🙌👀🙌 #buildingontrust #mbcbuilds #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #stayaka #masonryrestoration #alexandriavirginia #hotelresidences AKA Hotels+Hotel Residences

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Laura Clevenger PROJECTS & AWARDS Laura Clevenger

MDSA enjoys the VIEW from 3.0 University Place with View Glass Preview

3.0 University Place is fully clad with these gorgeous and expansive View Glass Smart Windows. 🏢🤩🏢 What are smart windows you ask? UPA | University Place Associates has partnered with View, Inc. ( that uses A.I. to softly adapt in response to the sun by increasing access to natural light and outdoor views while minimizing heat and glare. Not only do they reduce energy consumption, they completely eliminate the need for blinds. 🙌😎🙌 This project's dedication to the future of sustainability in design creates an innovative place for its future tenants to enjoy all the benefits of natural light including boosted moods and increased productivity. These smart windows are a monumental part of this build as a pre-certified LEED Platinum® v4 BD+C WELL project...check out how these dynamic windows can automatically tint/un-tint throughout the day and optimize the daylight (and skyline views!). This is just a preVIEW - keep a look out for when we have them fully programmed to see them in action. 👀🤝👀 #mdsa #universityplace #viewsmartglass #smartbuildings #4101market #lifesciences #philadelphia #cellidelphia #universitycityphilly University Place DALE Corporation

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Laura Clevenger PROJECTS & AWARDS Laura Clevenger

MBC lands #19 spot for 2022's Top 25 Contractors in the Philadelphia Region!

MBC is proud to be recognized by the Philadelphia Business Journal as #19 for 2022's Top 25 Contractors in the Philadelphia Region! 🥳🥂🥳 We are beyond thrilled and honored to make the list for the second year in a row! MBC would like to offer a big congrats to our other industry friends on the list as well. 👷‍♀️🙌👷‍♂️ Let’s raise a glass - three cheers for #19! 🍾 #buildingontrust #mbcbuilds #phlbizjournal #mcdonaldbuildingcompany Philadelphia Business Journal

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MBC attends 2022 Matthew J. Koenig Memorial Golf Tournament for AIA Philadelphia

McDonald Building Company was proud to represent as the Tourney Sponsor of the 2022 Matthew J. Koenig Memorial Golf Tournament last Monday for AIA Philadelphia. We enjoyed a beautiful day of sunshine and golf in honor of Matt - a great friend to many of us at MBC, trusted business partner, and industry leader. We miss him dearly but happy to see his legacy live on. ⛳️ #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #aiaphilly #mbccares #sunnybrookgolfclub

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Batman the Drone Takes a Look at the Completed Woodlawn Storage Facility

It’s time for another Flyby Friday! 🙌 Batman the Drone took flight to check out the recently completed Woodlawn Storage Facility in the Germantown area of Philadelphia. Built for the Life Storage franchise, this 6-story self-storage center is now open for business and features 1200+ units for the storage needs of local residents.🦺
#flybyfriday #buildingontrust #batmanthedrone #mbcbuilds #lifestorage #johnsondevelopment #jkrparchitects

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

Batman the Drone Heads Down to Delaware County to Check Out Kinder IV

As we approach the weekend, it’s perfect timing for an MBC Flyby Friday! This week, our drone “Batman” is flying high over the Woodlyn section of Delaware County to take a look at our Kinder Park Phase IV site. The team is working hard to put up the finishing touches on this beautiful senior living facility as this fourth and final phase of Kinder Park will be complete this May. Before we know it, this 6-story residential retirement community will provide 96 additional places for seniors to call their home. This couldn’t be possible without the irreplaceable partnerships of Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), Delaware County Housing Authority (DCHA), Pennrose Properties and the multiple trade partners working hard every day.🤝 We are pumped to soon be able to show off the finished results!🙌
#batmanthedrone #flybyfriday #buildingontrust #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #mbcbuilds #pfha #dcha #pennrose

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

MDSA Celebrates 3.0 University Place Topping Out Ceremony

McDonald Dale Strategic Alliance (MDSA) proudly attended the Steel Topping Out Ceremony at 3.0 University Place at 41st & Market last Thursday as the last steel beam soared to great heights for final placement. 2,164 tons of steel was erected to frame out this groundbreaking & innovative life sciences building. This project milestone is an incredible sight to see and a notable accomplishment for our Ironworkers Local Union 401 as well as the entire construction team. 3.0 University Place is the FIRST pre-certified LEED v4 Platinum® and WELL v2 Platinum® project in Philadelphia, stay tuned for updates on its state-of-the-art sustainable features. Congratulations to University Place Associates+Silverstein+Cantor Fitzgerald on this momentous occasion, we are grateful to be your building partner on this project and support your vision.

We would like to tip our hard hats to our key trade partners and design team: Sheward Partnership, SteelFab, D’Angelo Brothers, B.Pietrini & Sons, Metal Alliance, Dolan Mechanical, Sunlight Electrical, 2A Mechanical, R.A. Kennedy & Sons, View Inc., US Roofing and D.M. Sabia🇺🇸🏗🌲
#upaphila #mdsa #dalecorp #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #buildingontrust #steeltopping

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Timelapes Tuesday 3.0 University Place

Today’s Timelapse Tuesday features 3.0 University Place located at 41st and Market in Philadelphia. We’ve mentioned 3.0 University Place on our Flyby Friday, but we just couldn't wait to show you the time lapsed progress this site has made in a few short months. The amenity-rich site when finished will serve as an eight story, 250,000+ sq. ft. of Class A, commercial lab and office space perfectly tailored for tenants in the biotech and R&D industry. McDonald Dale Strategic Alliance (MDSA) has been working hard to make continual progress at the site.

Tuesday also means just TWO MORE DAYS until 3.0 University Place has their official Steel Topping Off ceremony! We can’t help but BUILD up the excitement to this huge milestone. We’re excited – are you?!? #timelapsetuesday #upaphila #mdsa #dalecorp #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #buildingontrust #steeltopping #finalcoundown

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

MBC Team for 400 West Elm Street "steels" a visit to SteelFab Alabama Plant

The MBC team took flight (literally) down to Alabama to visit the SteelFab plant for our 400 West Elm project in Conshohocken, PA. 🛫👷‍♀️🛫 Project Manager, Iliana Limon, and Project Engineer, Anna Lucas, for the project enjoyed visiting the plant to inspect progress on the steel erection for the jobsite slated to begin in late April. A whopping 1,807 tons of steel will be fabricated for 400 West Elm! SteelFab, Inc will be using Boccella Precast LLC for plank and XLE for steel erection. 🏗🤩🏗 400 West Elm’s steel is coming from various plants in America including several sites in Alabama, Blytheville, Arkansas and Petersburg, Virginia. At SteelFab’s Alabama plant they recently broke their own record of producing just over 1000 tons of steel in a single week. 💪🙌💪 Talk about incredible – it steels our hearts to be part of this kind of progress. MBC couldn’t do this without the amazing talents of our project partners at Equus Capital Partners, Ltd., JDAVIS Architects, O'Donnell & Naccarato, Girder-Slab Technologies LLC, and of course, SteelFab, Inc. Thank you for hosting us! We can’t wait to see this all come together in a few short months. #buildingontrust#mbcbuilds#steelfab#welovesteel#steelfabrication#metalfabricator#progress

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Batman (MBC’s Drone) heads over to Market Street in Philadelphia for a Flyby Friday of 3.0 University Place

TGIFF everybody…Thank Goodness it’s Flyby Friday! 🙌🤩🙌 Today we’re flying high in the sky over at 41st and Market in Philadelphia to take a peek at 3.0 University Place. 📸🚁📸This incredible site will become 250,000+ sq. ft. of Class A, commercial lab and office space tailored for tenants in the biotech and R&D community later this year. MDSA, McDonald Dale Strategic Alliance, started construction on this 8-story build early this summer and soon enough this amenity-rich site will feature ground floor retail, a 16,000 sq. ft. green roof mezzanine, LED lighting, a chilled beam heating & cooling system, and a high-performance building envelope including VIEW Smart Glass (no blinds, heat or glare). For now, we get to “steel” a glance at the amazing tower crane and steel decking going up, enjoy! 🏗👀🏗 #flybyfriday #mdsa #buildingontrust #batmanthedrone #steel DALE Corporation

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Huge Kudos to Ed Swank, Superintendent, as McDonald Building Company attends Project HOME's Peg's Place Grand Opening!

McDonald Building Company was honored to attend the Peg’s Place Grand Opening on Monday morning. 🙌👷🙌 Featured on our Flyby Friday a few weeks ago, this 4-story 33,000+ square foot building provides 40 NEW affordable residential apartments to empower adults to break the cycle of chronic homelessness and addiction. MBC is proud to be part of another incredible Project HOME build. 🤝 We couldn’t have done this without the incredible team down at Peg’s Place, but we have to give huge kudos to our superintendent and the GOAT himself, Ed Swank! 🤩💪🤩 Ed was there rain or shine and brought his A game every single day. There was no problem too big or too small for him. We are so grateful to have Ed as one our amazing superintendents at MBC, he truly puts the Super in Superintendent! 🦸‍♂️ #buildingontrust#projecthomephl#grandopening#mbcbuilds#thanksed#edisthegoatProject HOMEKitchen & Associates




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Flyby Friday heads over to Rowan Judson Diamond in Northern Philadelphia

It’s Fri-yay over here at McDonald Building Company because it’s Flyby Friday!! 🤩🙌🤩 Today we’re flying our nameless drone (come on, people we need help with some names here!) over at Rowan Judson Diamond in North Philadelphia. 📸🚁📸 Our team has been working hard finishing up the renovations and upgrades of these 40 residential units and common areas for Project HOME’s latest development. Set to complete in October, these phased rehab units were meticulously coordinated to minimize the day-to-day impact on residents. Project HOME provides housing and supportive care to those who are in the process of breaking the cycle of chronic homelessness and addiction…we are proud to be their building partner in this development. Kudos to Project HOME, CICADA Architecture/Planning, Inc. and our talented crews at the site for your continuous hard work. 👷‍♀️💪👷Congrats all! #flybyfriday #buildingontrust #projecthomephl #dronestillneedsaname #howdowefeelaboutdiscothedrone 🕺 #mbcbuilds

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

MBC/CPM Joint Venture Celebrates Certificate of Occupancy at the Apartments at New Market West!

Look who just got their Certificate of Occupancy - The Apartments at New Market West! 🥳🤩🥳 This multi-phased complex in West Philadelphia has been a work in progress since 2018 and we are happy to celebrate the completion of such a successful project and long-standing partnership with Mission First Housing Group. A huge shout out is in order for New Market West’s project team - Project Superintendent - Sam Cellucci, Project Engineer - Kelly McGettigan, and Field Coordinator - Isaac Johnson. 🙌🙌🙌 This trio has gone above and beyond to make the magic happen at New Market West from start to finish. Our New Market West team faced several schedule challenges and always tackled them head on. They collectively pushed this project through to completion with ease and precision and all the while, remained on budget despite material increases. We are so proud to consider these three the “Dream Team”! President, Paul McDonald says, “The dedication from Sam, Kelly, and Isaac to this project over the last 3+ years, especially through Covid and beyond, has been nothing short of remarkable and all of them deserve a loud round of applause by us at MBC.” MBC thanks you Sam, Kelly, and Isaac…we couldn’t have done this without you. 💪🤝💪 #appreciationpost#buildingontrust#mcdonaldbuildingcompany#newmarketwest#dreamteam

Mission First Housing GroupKitchen & Associates

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

3.0 University Place receives last pour of mat slab foundation this weekend!

Last pour of the mat slab foundation at 3.0 University Place took place this past Saturday…Three pumps, two pours later, and over 3,800+ yards of concrete. 🤩🤩🤩 Awe yeah! 🙌🤝🙌 The Pietrini Corporation (dba B. Pietrini & Sons)


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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

Timelapse Tuesday heads over to Kinder Park IV in Woodlyn, PA

It’s Tuesday and you know what that means….Timelapse Tuesday! 🙌 This week we’re heading over to Delaware County to take a peek at Kinder Park Phase IV. The two floors of steel framing are complete as we move onto building up the wood framing on the 2nd and 3rd floors next. 🏗 The progress at the site so far has been tremendous (and on schedule). This 4th and final phase of Kinder Park will become a 6-story residential retirement community providing an additional 96 places to call home for seniors. Projected to finish up in Spring of 2022, we are eager to keep you posted on how this great build turns out! This couldn’t be possible without the irreplaceable partnerships of Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA), Delaware County Housing Authority and Pennrose. 👷‍♀️🤝👷‍♂️ We love the progress we’re seeing! #timelapsetuesday #buildingontrust #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #mbcbuilds #pfha #dcha #pennrose

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MBC kicks off Flyby Friday with a visit down to Peg's Place in Philadelphia

If you like Timelapse Tuesday, then you’re gonna love Flyby Friday! 🤩🙌🤩 To kickoff Flyby Friday and end the week on an extra awesome note, we’re heading over to Peg’s Place in Philadelphia as the team is wrapping up the plush green roof. This 4-story energy-efficient building will provide affordable residential apartments to empower adults to break the cycle of chronic homelessness and addiction. Though the MBC drone can only flyby the outside, this freshly built project carries a variety of amenities for residents on the inside including a computer lab, laundry, exercise & community space, storage lockers, and a community courtyard. 📸🚁📸 Huge shout out to Project HOME, Kitchen & Associates and the construction team down at Peg’s Place on all their dedication and great work to finish this project up by the end of July. 👷‍♂️🤝👷‍♀️Stay tuned for final photos of the interior coming soon... #flybyfriday #buildingontrust #projecthome #kitchenandassociates #droneneedsaname #sneakpeek #mbcbuilds

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

McDonald Building Company attends groundbreaking ceremony for Trinity Health PACE at Kinder Park in Woodlyn, PA

McDonald Building Company was honored to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the Trinity Health PACE Program project at Kinder Park in Woodlyn, PA today. This 15,000 square foot medical fit-out will finish about a floor and a half from our current work on the Kinder Park Phase IV project. Trinity PACE (Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) offers seniors the support they need to live in their own home or with family as independently as possible. MBC would like to congratulate Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic, Mercy LIFE and Delaware County Housing Authority (DCHA) on this partnership and tremendous accomplishment. We’re looking forward to getting started! #buildingontrust#groundbreaking#mcdonaldbuildingcompany#trinityhealth#dcha#mbcbuilds

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It's Timelapse Tuesday over at Hamilton Phase II!

It’s our favorite day…Timelapse Tuesday! 🙌 This week we’re featuring Hamilton Phase II in Philadelphia. Built from the ground up (literally)this 16-story urban high rise is well on its way to being almossst finished! Hamilton Phase II offers 228,000 square feet of market-rate apartments, retail & amenity space, a community plaza/garden and much more. Early leasing has already begun. Can we take a moment to just say, “WOW!”. Congrats to Radnor Property Group and the entire MBC construction team - you are not throwin’ away your shot! 🤩🤝🤩#timelapsetuesday #buildingontrust #radnorpropertygroup #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #mbcbuilds #hamiltonphaseii #nothamiltonthemusical

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Check out Timelapse Tuesday over at Woodlawn Storage Facility!

Guess what day it is?!? It’s Timelapse Tuesday! 🙌 Take a look at the awesome progress being made down at the Woodlawn Storage Facility. We’re just a few months in to the project and we’re seeing some towering results. This tight site will become a 6-story 131,000 square foot self-storage facility nestled in the Germantown neighborhood in Philadelphia. We’re thrilled with how quickly this project is moving along. Rain or shine this team is making it happen! Keep up the great work! 👷‍♂️🤝👷‍♂️ #timelapsetuesday #buildingontrust #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #mbcbuilds #lifestorage

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PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann PROJECTS & AWARDS Steve Friedemann

Maguire Residences project in Kensington is honored by Preservation Alliance as Grand Jury Winner

We are getting close to wrapping up the renovations this summer at Ancillae Assumpta Academy’s Handmaid Innovation Center in Wyncote, PA. This complex “over-build” of the original Academy building includes an innovation lab, three science lab & prep spaces, a digital production studio, six new resource learning instructional areas, and patio space to further enhance the Academy’s outdoor classroom facilities. Final touches are being completed next week and brick pavers are almost complete!

#buildingontrust #mbcbuilds #mcdonaldbuildingcompany #welcometothembcfamily #ancillaeassumpta

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